An Introduction to CEC 加拿大教育中心介紹
The Canadian Education Centre (CEC) is an private, independent non-profit organization that was founded in 1996. CEC provides free, objective, and comprehensive information related to studying in Canada. Its extensive resource library includes application forms, brochures, overviews and program information for over 300 institutions in Canada, including secondary schools (private and public), universities, colleges and language schools.
加拿大教育中心 (Canadian Eucation Centre) 是一所非牟利的機構﹐成立於1996年。本旨提供免費、客觀、公正、完善的諮詢服務及資訊予有志留學加拿大的同學。本中心陳列有300多所加拿大之大學、社區學院、公私立中學、及語文學院所提供的各類資料、期刊、簡介及錄影帶。
CEC services include: 加拿大教育中心(CEC)的服務包括﹕
- Free information on Study in Canada
- Regular seminars on Study in Canada 定期舉辦升學講座
- Annual Education Fairs 舉辦最大型加拿大教育展覽
- Assistance to students applying to Canadian schools
- Pre-dparture Orientations 主辦離港升學講座
