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Học bổng cao học tại trường đại học Calgary, Canada

Công ty Talisman Energy là một công ty dầu khí độc lập được thành lập vào năm 1992, có trụ sở tại Calgary, Canada. Ba khu vực địa lư cốt lơi cho các hoạt động khai thác thăm ḍ của Talisman là Bắc Mỹ, Biển Bắc và Đông Nam Á. Tại Việt Nam, Talisman là nhà điều hành hoạt động thăm ḍ t́m kiếm và khai thác dầu khí tại các lô PM-3 CAA, 46-Cái Nước, 46-02, 15-2/01 và 133/134.

Với mong muốn được đóng góp cho việc nâng cao chất lượng nguồn nhân lực ngành dầu khí, Talisman Việt Nam sẽ tài trợ 2 xuất học bổng toàn phần cao học, năm học 2009 cho ngành địa chất, công nghệ dầu khí và quản trị kinh doanh tại truờng đại học Calgary, Canađa. Hạn nộp hồ sơ là ngày 2 tháng 1/2009 cho ngành địa chất và ngày 2 tháng 2/2009 cho ngành công nghệ dầu khí và quản trị kinh doanh.

Ngoài việc đáp ứng các tiêu chí nhập học của trường đại học Calgary (, các ứng cử viên cần có chứng chỉ tiếng Anh IELTS hoặc TOEFL. Các ứng cử viên ngành quản trị kinh doanh cũng cần có chứng chỉ GMAT. Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:

Hoàng Thị Phương

Pḥng đối ngọai

Công ty Talisman Vietnam

29 Lê Duẩn, tầng 18, Quận 1, thành phố Hồ Chí Minh


Tel: 08 3823 8232

Thông tin chi tiết xin xem phía dưới:

Talisman Vietnam Postgraduate Scholarship (TVLPS)

1. Talisman Energy

Talisman Energy Inc is an oil and gas exploration and production company with headquarter in Calgary, Alberta. Its subsidiary, Talisman Vietnam Limited (TVL) has increased its presence in Vietnam through being operator of two Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) and being partner in two Joint Operating Companies (JOC). TVL started our first joint-venture with Vietnam in 2003, with the $1 billion development of the Southern Fields in the PM-3 Commercial Arrangement Area between Vietnam and Malaysia. We also operate Block 46/02 and expect to announce first oil sales from the Song Doc field very soon. In 2005 we were awarded interests in Block 15-2/01 in the Cuu Long basin. We made an early discovery at Hai Su Trang and are progressing to bring this field on production. We are also exploring the new business opportunities in Vietnam.

TVL is pleased to offer up to two postgraduate scholarships for fall enrolment of academic year 2009-2010 for Vietnamese students wishing to undertake the master degree at the University of Calgary (UofC) to contribute to enhancing quality of the local workforce in oil and gas industry of Vietnam.

2. TVL Postgraduate Scholarship

The scholarships aim to provide opportunities for postgraduate study at the University of Calgary (UofC) for young professionals in early or mid-career, who demonstrate both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision-makers and opinion-formers in their own countries. 

Up to two Scholarships are available for study for the following two-year full-time course-work postgraduate Master's programs at the UofC:

MSc. in Geosciences

MSc. in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

MSc. in Energy and Environmental Engineering

MSc. in Petroleum Exploration Engineering

MSc. in Reservoir Characterization

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Each scholarship provides tuition fees at the UofC, a stipend to cover living costs (for one person only) and return air travel from the scholar’s home country (the return flight must be taken within three weeks of completion of the program of study).

3. Who is eligible to apply?

Applicants must:

  • display intellectual ability and leadership potential;
  • provide written evidence of an adequate English Language standard - IELTS band score 7 (with not less than 6.0 in any skill) or paper based TOEFL 580 (with 4.0 on the Test of Written English TWE) or computer based TOEFL 240 (with an essay rating of 4.0) or 94 in internet-based TOEFL ibT (with not less than 20 in listening, 23 in reading and speaking and 24 in writing);
  • If you apply for MBA degree, in addition to the English Language evidence above, you need to provide either GMAT score minimum 550 or GRE 1100 total (verbal 450 and quantitative 650)

and will normally be expected to:

  • be nationals of, and normally resident in Vietnam during the academic year in which they apply for the award (applicants who are temporarily out of the country for a total period of less than three consecutive months may be treated as being resident) and intend to return their home country at the end of the period of study;
  • have a good academic record.  Only candidates with an "excellent" (gioi or xuat sac - 8.0+) or "good" (kha - 7.0+) first degree will be considered.
  • have a proven track record and potential to rise to positions of influence;
  • be between 25 and 35 years of age;
  • not already have received or be currently receiving financial benefit from a previous Government-Funded Scholarship;
  • not already had the chance of studying in Canada or other developed country;
  • not already been awarded a University doctorate from another academic institution;
  • be employees of Vietnamese organizations (governmental and non-governmental) or local enterprises (state-run or private)
  • Industry experience would be a plus

4. Application process

Candidates, wishing to be considered for the scholarship will go through four different processes of application.

Firstly, you should send your application to Talisman Vietnam for review support for application fee (CDN$ 130). If your application is qualified for further consideration, you will be notified by Talisman Vietnam and will be guaranteed an application fee of CDN$ 130 of application fee to UofC.

Secondly, after being notified by TVL, you should apply for admission to your intended department at the UofC. Given that the application requirements to the UofC are very complex, you are advised to familiarize yourselves with this second step as soon as you can so that once you hear the notification from TVL, you can start your application for admission to meet the application deadline. All the information related to application for admission to the UofC can be found at the website:

Thirdly, you will hear from University whether you admitted or rejected admission to your intended department. TVL will receive the same information and will shortlist and invite potential candidates for interview at the TVL office. If you don’t hear from us, it means you have not been selected for an interview.

Forth, interviewed candidates will hear from us if you have been awarded a scholarship. A letter of regret will be sent to those have passed the interview without success.

5. Expected Time Lines:

Notification of further consideration: Jan. 9, 2009 for Geo-science students and Feb. 6, 2009 for MBA and Engineering students.

Interview: June 5, 2009

Formal offer of scholarship: June 15, 2009

6. Application for Talisman’s support for application fee  

To start your first step of application for the scholarship, please send the following:

  • Fully filled and signed application form for the scholarship (a copy can be obtained by writing to or pick up at Talisman’s office at the address indicated below.
  • Written evidence of English languages proficiency (provide written evidence of an adequate English Language standard - IELTS band score 7 (with not less than 6.0 in any skill) or paper based TOEFL 580 (with 4.0 on the Test of Written English TWE) or computer based TOEFL 240 (with an essay rating of 4.0) or 94 in internet-based TOEFL ibT (with not less than 20 in listening, 23 in reading and speaking and 24 in writing);
  • Written evidence of GMAT score minimum 550 or GRE 1100 total (verbal 450 and quantitative 650) if you apply for MBA degree
  • Notarized English translation of university transcripts
  • Notarized copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of identity card or passport.
  • Your up-to-date CV summaries your qualification and work experiences

The information that you provide in the application form will be a major factor in determining the short-list for interview.  You are asked to complete the application form carefully and pay particular attention to the questions.  Please bear in mind that the final decision to make an award will be influenced by your performance in the interview. 

Completed application, marked “APPLICATION FOR TVL POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP” should be sent, no later then Jan 2, 2009 for Geo-science degree and Feb. 2, 2009 for MBA and Engineering degree to the following address:

Talisman Vietnam Limited

29 Le Duan, Saigon Tower, Floor 18

District 1, HCMC,

Attention: Ms. Hoang Thi Phuong

Program Co-ordinator, Government and Community Relations,

Tel: 08 823 8232